Blog: Mormon Meal
Hello to all you wonderful people!!!
This week was fantastic and weird at the same time! We taught a lot of
members about missionary work this week. So to start off the week we
went to Sasebo (which is about 1.5 hours by express train) because we
had district meeting there the next day and to see one of the sisters
previous investigators. And we were invited to an American members
house (because there is a base in Sasebo) and I was like thrown for a
loop. We were like taken up to the mountains into a small American
community. When I walked into their house it was like a parallel
universe. It was completely American with Halloween decorations, large
couches, a big TV, American dining area. I was so freaked out, but
completely engulfed in the American member spirit! It was awesome, but
I felt like I was in a dream the whole time. Maybe it was a dream...
Plus we had like lasagna, classic original Mormon salad, garlic bread,
and ice cream. All American sized. It was glorious. Such a strong
spirit about members houses, I just love it! (not just American
members houses, this one just rang stronger to me because it was
familiar :))
Then on Tuesday we had a wonderful district meeting where we sang...
haha, yep, we got through... kind of. If our district leader knew how
much we practiced that the shame would be very real! Haha!
Then on Saturday we had some pretty awesome miracles!! The first was
that we tried to visit a P.I's house and the grandpa came out and gave
us back the book of Mormon and said that him or his family didn't need
it. He was pretty nice about it, but it frustrated me when we told him
that his granddaughter wanted to know about God and he just laughed in
our face. I walked away with some tears welling in my eyes. But then I
felt it. That strong desire to make it known unto all the remnants of
the Earth that this gospel is true. Not only is it true but it is
everything. Without purpose, direction, or will so many people walk
blindly in the darkness searching for that iron rod. And we have it,
and we need to call out to these people and let them know what they
are missing out on. In that moment I felt that I need to let my light
so shine before the world (3 Nephi 12:14-16) that the people may
glorify my Father which is in Heaven. I can't say what changed, but
the feeling so strongly felt within me is that I want people to just
look at me and say, "I want what she's got." And that is what the
gospel does my friends :)
Then that night we had a cool experience of going to this concert and
talking to that professional singers friends again. Except this time
it was in a more family friendly setting and we talked to a lot of
people. And they were a lot nicer to come up and approach us in that
setting as well! So that was really nice! Met a lot of children who we
invited to the Halloween party! Hopefully they come! Then on Sunday
night we had another shokuji (meal) with a member and taught her the MIV. She
as 6 kids, the youngest just left on his mission. Love seeing her
strong family and light! She also shared an awesome experience with us
about when she first entered the church and taught her friend about
eternal marriage and then she was baptized and they got tons of people
to take lessons after that! It just got me thinking about if I
actually realize how great the promises are that God grants unto us.
Sometimes it just feels like we are entitled. Tis not so. I was
reading in 2 Peter 1:4-8 where peter talks to us about making our
election and calling sure. And he lists out how. If you haven't read
this scripture I encourage you to read it. You might find some room
for improvement. I know I did.
I love being out here on a mission! I hope you are are all doing well
and have a Happy Halloween!!!!!
Sister Johnson
Us at a members house after teaching tem about member missionary work (me, bair, parmley, brother kawanami, crump, megumi, sister kawanami) |
Us in the country side of Japan. If you can't see there is a tractor behind us :) |
A beautiful sunset that I took a picture of while we were on the train. Rice fields and a sunset. |
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