Week 9:
The Final Frontier
This past week has been a
blur really. I have pretty much forgotten anything that happened before
Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was just SO awesome. We sang come thou fount.
It sounded so beautiful and powerful I got chills, the whole shabang.
And we sang that song for whom you might ask? David A. Bednar of course!
He was our Thanksgiving morning devotional. It was so cool! He handed
out phones to the audience and we got to text questions straight to his
ipad and he answered them during the devotional. Out of the things he
talked about, the one I liked the most was when he was answering the
question, "How do we overcome trials without losing faith." Where Elder
Bednar answered, "We receive no witness until after the trial of our
faith. Be careful when you pray for faith, because in order to receive
it we must overcome adversities. As long as we are living worthily, then
God will give His will with His timing. It is not a lack of faith, it
is a trial of faith." It's a simple concept really, but sometimes I need
to be reminded of the simple things. Then we had a service project for
Utah Food Bank to make some food sacks for children who don't know where
their next meal will come from. And did we dominate. They had to move
our bags to other tables because we were going so fast! Then we FINALLY
were able to watch Meet the Mormons. If you haven't seen that video, go
watch it. It is so good, and the people on that movie are so
interesting. I am a very boring mormon in comparison. Maybe I'll try
being an astronaut or something and be in the sequel. They even gave us
popcorn. Then at the very end of the day we went out and they had turned
on the Christmas lights! I love Christmas so much. And I am going to
let all the Nihon-jin (Japanese) know about how much I love Christmas.
Really just a perfect time to head into the field! Which, by the way, is
night!!! I can't believe that the time is already here! I am so
grateful to be apart of this gospel and to know about God's plan of
happiness for us. I don't think I realize sometimes how much the
knowledge I have affects my life. It seems normal to me, but to some
people this information is life changing and life saving. I hope to find
these people in Japan. The Lord has prepared them, I hope I am the
right tool to turn them towards their salvation.
We also had
our in field orientation yesterday. It was 8 hours long! It was good,
but I was about to fall asleep like nobodies business, but they kept
moving us to different rooms and having us stand up so I couldn't fall
asleep. Which is probably why they did that. But I also learned a lot of
good stuff too. Baptism. Oh how the word seems so scary when mentioned.
I think I have ever realized that people CANNOT be saved without it.
How could I brush it off as something so small? But... I think it's the
name tag that makes me so bold. There is really a lot of power in my
name tag. I am so glad that I can be recognized as a disciple of Christ.
I hope that after my mission even without my name tag I can also be
realized as a disciple of Christ through my countenance, or like a gleam
in my eye or something.
Anyways, I don't have a lot of time,
but I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving at the MTC
is just awesome. I love my district, teachers, family, friends,
neighbors and everyone. I hope you have a good week. Next time I email
it will be in Japan!
Johnson Shimai
This is a picture of all the Half-misisonaries that are leaving on Monday. (left to right) Cannon-choro, Yamada-choro, Nicholson-choro, Yeakey-shimai, me, Wilkinson-shimai) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Our last pictures with our sensei's and our district |
Good funny picture of our district |
District selfie with our sensei's |
Cook-kyoudai, me, my doryo (sister packard), and Fowers-kyoudai |
Me after service. The hairnet was definitely necessary for my salt scooping duty. |
Me in the creepy therapy room attached to the girls bathroom. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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